

Name: Undisclosed

Age: Undisclosed

Height: 6’

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair: Graying

Eyes: Brown

Nationality: Undisclosed

Family: Undisclosed

Powers and Abilities:  None known.

Origin:  The Scribe is a role that is elected by the Exalted, a board of high ranking officials that include the entire gambit of the KCC (Knights of the Crimson Cross), The Temple of the Saints and associated groups.  The Exalted are made up of the most senior members of the organization and have chosen a leader called the Scribe who will be the “leader for life or treachery.”  His identity is a well guarded secret as the man who is to be Scribe holds all the sacred knowledge of the Temple and its history, valuable information that if passed into the wrong hands can be catastrophic.  He is also the commander and chief of the Knights of the Crimson Cross and oversees the Cardinal Program as well.  The Scribe may not be a woman, must have paid his dues in the form of public service, military, law, diplomacy, clergy etc, and must pledge his life and duty to doing “God’s works.”

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