

Name:  Jericho Sixkiller, Tsu-Sa-Si

Age:  28

Height:  6’3”

Weight:  240 lbs.

Hair:  Black

Eyes:  Brown

Nationality:  Cherokee and Lakota Indian


Family:  Father/Walter Sixkiller, Mother/Gloria Sixkiller, Sister/Jakki Sixkiller, Sister/Stacey Sixkiller, Brother/Walter Sixkiller Jr., Grandfather (maternal)/Jon Running Bull, Aunt/Danielle Kowalski, Cousin/Dieter Kowalski, Uncle/Horace Kowalski, Great-grandfather/Abraham Running Bull


Powers & Abilities:  Sixkiller has been extensively trained for various tasks throughout his life.  He is armed with a shovel axe, a hunting knife and a mystical rifle known as “The God Complex”.   The wielder of the weapon will be cursed with absolute madness that can spread it like a viral disease due to its evil origin.  It is only used when absolutely necessary and even then sparingly.

Origin:  Born in to a native American family with very strong family values and a deep sense of culture and heritage, he has been taught survival skills passed down from generation to generation.  He is on a mission to save his family’s land and butcher shop from a ruthless and corrupt group of native American criminals.    Sixkiller keeps himself in top physical condition.  Rock climbing, running, rowing are only a small portion of his routine.  Boxing, swimming, and martial arts keep him fit and active.

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