

Name: Samuel Baker

Age: 60

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 206 lbs

Hair: Graying

Eyes: Brown

Nationality: African American

Family: None

Powers & Abilities:  Ability to read deep secrets and desires.  Ability to open up “pocket portals” used to cast souls into to await judgment, the original wielder and creator of the Gword.

Origin:  As a young man, Sammie Baker as he was known then was a man who always did what he had to do to survive.  Born into poverty, Sammie quit school at an early age to help raise money for his family.  He has always had aspirations of being a musician but could never quite get over the hump.  A chance meeting with a demon named Murmur would change his life forever. Desperate to become a star and to get a break, Sammie offered his soul in exchange for real talent.  The eve before Sammie’s big break, Murmur came to cash in on Sammie’s debt.  Unknown to the both of them, Murmur was being tracked by another Fatekeeper named Hollow, who ended up saving young Sammie’s soul and his life.  The reluctant Sammie was then recruited and groomed to be the next person to take up the Fatekeeper mantle.  And although Limbo, as Sammie is now called, was a fine Fatekeeper.  The stress and horror that he has seen has become a bit more than he could bear.  So as is customary to all Fatekeepers, he must search for someone worthy to take up his mantle.

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